Monitored Rehab Systems
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Multi-Functional XTS
Cross Training System
The XTS Multi-Functional Cross Training System is great for the professional, as well as the home user. The versatility and space conscious design makes it perfect for all locations. The unique pulley system allows for unlimited positioning and creativity. The XTS is completely functional and can be integrated with other types of rehabilitation equipment. (i.e. Swiss Ball, BackSystem3, OSS & Bodyblade). Due to a constantly changing health care system, most facilities are experiencing budgetary cutbacks. Since the success of any program is personnel dependent, the XTS offers a cost effective to high tech equipment. This allows administrators to put their monies into what can really make a difference in their clients and program.

Complete Rehabilitation System

  • Open and closed Kinetic
     Chain Application
  • Static & Dynamic Stabilization
     for Extremity & Spine
  • Functional Movement Patterns
  • Skill Training

Sport Specific Conditioning

  • Complete Upper & Lower
     Body Conditioning
  • Speed, Agility, Quickness,
     Strength, Interval
  • Provides Plyometric Adaptations
  • Promotes Power Equality & Flexibility
Space-saving design requires only
4' to 5' for full range exercises

Pull from any angle, any height

The XTS System comes with two clinical guides:

Upper Quadrant Clinical Guide
Lower Quadrant Clinical Guide

These guides contain specially designed
exercises for use with the XTS.

See a preview
of what you'll get inside the clinical guides

All prices include shipping & handling (U.S. orders only). For international orders, call 817-448-8908
XTS Complete
Complete System includes 2 vertical bars, 1 horizontal bar, 6 pulley assembly, 9 clevis assembly, 2 right angle attachment, 3 RNT tubing (light, medium, & heavy), 1 RNT Tornado tubing
Price: $1,669.00
XTS with
2 Vertical Bars
Double System includes 2 vertical bars, 4 pulley assembly, 6 clevis assembly, 2 right angle attachment, 3 RNT tubing (light, medium, & heavy) 1 RNT Tornado tubing
Price: $1249.00
XTS with
1 Vertical Bar

Single System includes 1 vertical bar, 2 pulley assembly, 3 clevis assemblyl, 1 right angle attachment, 3 RNT tubing (light, medium, & heavy) 1 RNT Tornado tubing
Price: $660.00
XTS Add-Ons,
Set of 3

Multi Function Cross Training System Add-Ons, includes 1 Horizontal Bar, 2 pulley & 3 clevis
Price: $439.00

XTS Add-Ons,
Set of 2

Multi FunctionCross Training System Add-Ons, includes 1 pulley assembly, 2 clevis
Price: $99.00