Monitored Rehab Systems
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The Backsystem3 is a revolutionary stretching device that is compact, ergonomically efficient, extremely simple and safe to use, for stretching of the lumbar spine, lower extremities, upper back muscles, shoulder, chest and more.

Proven clinical effects have been observed in relief of cervical, thoracic, lumbar pain and lower extremity discomfort following the use of this simple and versatile machine. It increases lumbo pelvic ROM and stretches the upper and lower back, shoulders, psoas, hamstrings, IT band, piriformis, gluterals, and quads.
BackSystem3 Accessories
BackSystem3™ Stretch Guide
Stretches and Exercises for the BackSystem3
Read more/Order
Ab Handlebars
The newest accessory for the BackSystem3™, and the perfect tool to develop a progressive resistive exercise program for the abdominal muscles.
Read more/Order
All prices include shipping & handling (U.S. orders only). For internatinal orders, call 817-448-8908
For persons under
6'3" tall.
Price: $1,435.00

For more detailed
information, visit the
BackSystem3 website.

And see the online
Stretch Guide

Assembly Instructions

Also read:
Gray Cook's "Clinical Impressions of the BackSystem3"

•   Uses gravity and your own weight...
    while unloading the spine

•   Patient controls the amount of stretch

•   Extremely comfortable

•   Patients able to stretch themselves...
    based on the tension they feel

•   A key to developing good back care