Monitored Rehab Systems
Sports and physical rehabilitation equipment xts instant replay backsystem3 core strength rack OTIS smartsound
RNT tubing electro-therapy imaging sports training books complete conditioning for golf power, speed and stamina for tennis
physical rehabilitation products dynalator
sports training
All prices include shipping & handling (U.S. orders only). For international orders, call 817-448-8908
Combination Ultrasound/
Price: $15,500.00
SmartSound LLT
Low-level near
infrared light
Price: $21,995.00
Dynalator Model 811
High-voltage Ultrasound Combination
Price: $5,200.00
Electro accupuncture
Price: $5,000.00

DynaLator Model 811

The Dynalator Model 811 combination ultrasound/ electro-stimulator therapy device:

• Unique patented servo-feedback
    control of Continuous/pulsed
    1 MHz ultrasound.
• 0 to 20 Watts power (0 to 2
    Watts per square centimeter).
• Choice of 5 or 10 square centimeter radiating\
    area applicator.
• 5-50 millisecond pulse duration (in pulsed mode).
• 10 Hz pulse repetition rate (in pulsed mode).


• High voltage twin-peaked pulse stimulator output
• 0 to 500 Volts
• Positive or negative polarity
• Unique pulse sweep feature for stimulator output
    (10-100 pps over 40 seconds)


The Three-in-One MRL Neuroprobe System V for state-of-the-art Electrotherapy


A 2.2 MHz combination ultrasound/electro-stimulator with synchronized and swept ultrasound and stimulation. The 2.2 MHz frequency fits perfectly between the deep penetration of the 1 MHz and the superficial penetration of the 3MHz.

SmartSound LLT
Low-level near infrared light